Friday, June 14, 2024

CEI releases policy goals for 115th Congress

CEI releases policy goals for 115th Congress
CEI releases policy goals for 115th Congress | Courtesy of Shutterstock
The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) is primarily focused on regulatory reform, finance and labor in its policy goals for the 115th Congress, which the organization recently released.

CEI's policy goals include a congressional agenda, highlighting policy areas the institute things this Congress needs to focus on, and steps lawmakers can take to fulfill them.

The institute's focus -- as is typical for the organization -- centers on reducing regulation and working to move the country toward economic growth and prosperity through greater individual liberty. The institute also places an emphasis on allowing Americans to take advantage of the advances offered by technology.

CEI released eight policy areas that it hopes the 115th Congress will address, led by regulatory reform, finance and labor. Rounding out the list are energy and environment, environmental protection, technology and telecom, transportation and consumer freedom.

“Congress is poised to make great strides in returning a balance of power to the federal government through reining in the regulatory state,” Kent Lassman, president at CEI, said. “At CEI, we are ready to help members of Congress understand and implement these ideas that will lift some of the burden off of taxpayers and bring much needed accountability to the federal government.”