Friday, June 14, 2024

Three congressmen criticize EPA’s proposed vehicle emissions targets

U.S. Reps. Fred Upton (R-MI), Michael Burgess (R-TX) and Pete Olson (R-TX) criticized the Environmental Protection Agency’s recently released proposed emissions targets for cars in model years 2022-25, which they argue will have severe cost implications for manufacturers and consumers.

“This action is completely unnecessary and will have grave consequences on jobs and manufacturing,” the congressmen said. “Under EPA’s own regulations, this determination is not required for another year and a half, but with the clock ticking on the administration, the regulatory frenzy is underway. Federal regulations should not stand in the way of the car-buying public having their choice of vehicles at prices they can afford.”

Upton, Burgess and Olson, who serve as chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee; chairman of the Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade Subcommittee; and vice chairman of the Energy and Power Subcommittee respectively, attributed the EPA’s proposed targets to the coming end of the Obama administration.

“The mid-term review was previously established to allow government to move forward with the most up to date information available,” the representatives said. “Instead, these complicated and onerous standards were rushed through at the 11th hour without taking into consideration their complexity, impact on consumer’s pocketbooks, the impact on the auto industry and jobs, innovation, and changes occurring in the marketplace, including the cost of new safety technologies. Motor vehicles are becoming increasingly more efficient and will continue to do so. For the sake of car makers and buyers, and common sense, we will continue our oversight of these proposed standards moving forward.”