$160,000 grant to aid pollution prevention programs in Hew Hampshire

The grant, which will cover a period of two years, is part of approximately $689,000 awarded to five New England organizations through the Pollution Prevention Grants cycle for the 2016 to 2017 fiscal years.
"EPA is pleased to support our partner NHDES by funding this effective and well-designed project," EPA New England Regional Administrator Curt Spalding said. "Our Pollution Prevention Grants reduce pollution at its source, which is the best way to create a cleaner environment and sustainable economy."
The NHDES will use the funding to promote climate change mitigation in the state’s hospitality industry through the New Hampshire Green Hospitality Program, which will promote energy efficiency, water conservation and waste reduction by recognizing facilities throughout the state that take part.
The department will also work with the New Hampshire Soak up the Rain (NHSOAK) program to promote stormwater management. Using funding from the EPA, the NHDES and NHSOAD will work with six businesses in critical areas to install stormwater management methods like rain gardens or other tools within best management practices.