Friday, June 14, 2024

Eastern Long Island Sound site established for disposal of dredged material

The Environmental Protection Agency recently finalized its rule designating the Eastern Long Island Sound Dredged Material Disposal Site, located west of the existing New London site in Connecticut that will close before the end of the year.

"EPA's decision to establish the Eastern Long Island Sound Disposal Site incorporates protections and restrictions on use similar to those established for the Central and Western Long Island Sound Dredged Material Disposal Sites earlier this year," EPA New England Regional Administrator Curt Spalding said.

Disposal of dredged material at the site will be limited to sediment from Connecticut and New York ports and harbors that have been tested and confirmed to be within a stringent set of requirements. Any materials disposed at the site must also be from projects that do not have any other practicable alternatives.

"Our decision is based on sound science, reflects extensive public input, and strikes an appropriate balance between the need for dredging to maintain safe navigation and protecting the significant natural resources of Long Island Sound,” Spalding said. “The site protections and restrictions we included in the final rule are intended to help meet the goal of reducing or eliminating dredged material disposal in the open waters of Long Island Sound."