Friday, June 14, 2024

EPA awards $47,000 grant to Eight Northern Indian Pueblo Council for pesticide program

EPA awards $47,000 grant to Eight Northern Indian Pueblo Council for pesticide program
EPA awards $47,000 grant to Eight Northern Indian Pueblo Council for pesticide program
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will support research, monitoring, education and training, among other activities, in the Eight Northern Indian Pueblo Council’s pesticide programs with a grant of nearly $47,000.
The council’s pesticide program is part of a cooperative agreement with the EPA designed to provide tribes and pueblos with outreach, education and technical assistance for their environmental programs, as well as assessing their environmental needs and risks.

Specifically, the latest grant will allow the council to undertake myriad activities aimed at pesticide management, including outreach, demonstrations and studies.
According to the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, all pesticides -- a term that encompasses herbicides, antimicrobials and devices -- used in the country must be registered with the EPA and must be applied according to labelled instructions.

Additionally, organizations using pesticides must ensure that activities are done in compliance with the Worker Protection Standards program.