Ohio EPA announces $24,000 low-interest loan for drinking water project in Adams County

The grants, supplied by the Ohio Public Works Commission and the Appalachian Regional Commission, provide the bulk of the funding for the $524,000 project, with the Ohio EPA’s loan allowing the county to fund the difference.
Adams County’s loan is provided through the Water Supply Revolving Loan Account (WSRLA), which allows for water system improvements through below-market interest rates. Through the loan, Adams County Regional Water District will save $4,787 as compared to conventional interest payments.
WSRLA issues loans for projects on community water systems for nonprofit, non-community public water systems, allowing them to complete projects that bring their operations into compliance with state and federal water standards. The program can also help water systems throughout their projects, providing technical assistance in planning, design and construction.
The account is partially funded through federal grants and is replenished through loan repayments and returns on bond investments. The Ohio EPA’s Division of Environmental and Financial Assistance manages the account, while the Ohio Water Development Authority handles its financial management.