EPA finalizes two rules to reduce HFC emissions ahead of Montreal Protocol negotiations

“These two rules demonstrate the United States’ continued leadership in protecting public health and the environment,” EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy said. “We are reducing emissions of HFCs that are harmful to the climate system and showing the world that we can do this responsibly and thoughtfully by working with businesses and environmental groups. I’m especially excited that we have taken these actions ahead of next month’s Montreal Protocol negotiations.”
The EPA’s newly finalized rules come at a critical time, demonstrating the United States’ commitment to combat HFC emissions within its borders before working to convince other countries to make similar commitments through an amended Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.
The first new rule, under the SNAP program, will see the agency update its list of safer, more climate-friendly chemicals that can be used as alternatives to HFCs in refrigeration, air conditioning and fire suppression products. The agency will add to the list and change the status of some items already on the list to update acceptable end-uses of those chemicals.