Saturday, June 15, 2024

EPA funds water quality research at six universities with $4.8 million in grants

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently awarded $4.8 million to six universities throughout the country for projects that will enhance community understanding of the economic value of water quality.
While there are regulatory measures in place to protect water quality, the affects of chemical and microbial contaminants are often greater or wider reaching than those protective or remedial actions stemming from those regulations. Through the recently awarded grants, the EPA hopes to give communities the tools they need to weigh the costs and benefits of preventative actions. The grants will also link water quality science and the value of healthy waterways, which hold monetary value in terms of the services they provide.
“Clean water is a cornerstone of a healthy community, yet many communities face challenging decisions about investing in the protection of water resources,” EPA Science Advisor Thomas Burke, who is also the deputy assistant administrator of the EPA Office of Research and Development, said. “These grants will help measure the costs and benefits of improving water quality, an important step toward protecting the environment and human health.”
Institutions receiving grant funding include: Clark University, Dartmouth College, University of Connecticut, North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Michigan State University and Iowa State University.