Saturday, June 15, 2024

EPA proposes $167,000 settlement with Central Missouri AGRIService LLC

Central Missouri AGRIService LLC will pay a civil penalty of $167,000 for alleged Clean Water Act violations under a proposed settlement with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

The case stems from a July 2015 notification from the Army Corps of Engineers, informing the EPA that the company had discharged fill materials into streams and wetlands surrounding its construction site in Marshall, Missouri, where Central Missouri AGRIService is building a railroad loop track and grain loading facility. Following that notification, EPA inspectors visited the site in November 2015 and found several Clean Water Act violations.

EPA stated that Central Missouri AGRIService did not develop a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in a timely or adequate manner, did not update or implement the SWPPP, did not inform workers of the SWPPP, did not install or implement adequate stormwater control measures and did not perform or document stormwater self-inspections.

These actions impacted local waterways, discharging sediment into tributaries of North Fork Finney Creek. Discharges like those associated with construction sites can lead to poor water quality due to increased levels of pollutants.

The settlement agreement, which also requires the company bring the site into compliance with the Clean Water Act, is subject to a public comment period of 40 days.