Wednesday, January 22, 2025

EPA begins stabilization work at Gold King Mine

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently restarted stabilization work at the Gold King Mine, including stabilizing the mine adit and the mine waste pile situated in front of the adit, which is expected to finish next month.

In March, the EPA established a consultation process, through a memorandum, that includes measures to prevent another incident like the Aug. 5, 2015 Gold King Mine release in Silverton, Colorado. The agency had completed that consultation process prior to beginning the stabilization work, preparing for it through a review of site-specific work plans, a technical assessment on the risk of fluid release and a verified contingency plan.

The EPA’s work will include continuing the agency’s work outside the mine adit and portal, such as installing steel bracing and concrete. The agency will support its efforts at the mine with related measures, such as implementing the Gold King Mine Stakeholders Alert and Notification Plan, which will provide updates as needed, and work to manage road dust from vehicles assisting in the cleanup activities, which will be managed with San Juan County.

The EPA will also continue to operate the interim water treatment plant at Gladstone, which the agency believes will be adequate in capturing and treating mine discharge.