Saturday, June 15, 2024

EPA releases new details for Clean Energy Incentive Program

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently released a proposal for the Clean Energy Incentive Program (CEIP), which would help states and tribes meet their emissions reduction goals under the Clean Power Plan.

“For nearly a year we have collaborated with communities and other stakeholders, listening closely to ideas about how to design a range of elements of the CEIP. Today’s proposal keeps that conversation moving forward,” EPA Office of Air and Radiation Acting Assistant Administrator Janet McCabe said. “Taking these steps will help cut carbon pollution by encouraging investment in renewable energy and energy efficiency, which will help give our kids and grandkids a healthier and safer future.”

The program both helps states and promotes renewable energy, encouraging states to invest in zero-emitting renewable energy generation early and to make it easier for low-income communities to invest in energy efficiency. In its recent proposal, the EPA clarifies the types of projects that are eligible, like solar energy projects for low-income communities, and allows states to choose from existing definitions of low-income communities. The new details also include information about how project providers should be availed of CEIP incentives.

The EPA will accept comments over a 60-day period and host webinars and a public hearing  Aug. 3 in Chicago on the new proposal.