Saturday, February 8, 2025

EPA finalizing Vermont Phosphorus TMDLs for Lake Champlain

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is working to finalize Phosphorus Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for the segments of Lake Champlain under Vermont’s jurisdiction, which will help reduce phosphorus pollution draining into the lake from streams and rivers.

"Today's announcement marks another very important step forward in restoring the priceless beauty that is Lake Champlain," EPA New England Regional Administrator Curt Spalding said. "While EPA is setting the targets, the strategies for meeting those targets has and will continue to be led by Vermont. Act 64 and the state's Implementation Plan provide a progressive roadmap for achieving these targets. EPA commends Vermont for some cutting edge choices on how to tackle all significant sources of phosphorus and for all the implementation planning already in motion at the state and municipal level.”

Phosphorus concentrations in some segments of the lake have been increasing since 1990, mostly carried into the lake from polluted runoff containing sediment and nutrients. The TMDL plan designates target reductions for Vermont’s 12 segments of the lake, separating them by sectors like wastewater treatment and agricultural and forest lands runoff.

“Our action today does not mark the end of EPA's involvement, but rather the beginning of the next phase,” Spalding said. “EPA will continue to provide support to the Vermont agencies and will assess and report to the public on progress in meeting the commitments in Vermont’s Implementation Plan and reducing phosphorus loads to the Lake."