Sunday, January 26, 2025

EPA proposes excavation of contaminated soil at New York’s Li Tungsten Superfund site

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposed further excavation at the Li Tungsten Superfund site, in Glen Cove, New York, to remove soil that is contaminated with heavy metals like arsenic and lead.

These newly proposed actions build upon previous cleanup activities at the site which formerly housed an inactive tungsten processing facility and areas where the facility operators dumped waste tungsten material.

“By removing soil that is contaminated with arsenic and lead, our cleanup plan will help protect people’s health and the environment,” Judith A. Enck, EPA Regional Administrator, said. “By cleaning up the Li Tungsten site and giving support through the brownfields program, the EPA is helping Glen Cove turn a blighted industrial area into an asset for the community.”

The EPA’s proposed excavation efforts would remove approximately 7,000 to 8,500 cubic yards of contaminated soil from areas around the site, which would either replaced with clean soil or covered. The contaminated soil would be transferred to licensed facilities for disposal.

The EPA is accepting public comments on its proposal until July 1, and will host a public meeting on the topic on June 13 at the Robert Finely Middle School Wunsch Center in Glen Cove at 7 p.m.