Saturday, June 15, 2024

EPA awards $11 million for brownfields programs

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently awarded $11 million in funding for brownfields cleanup projects to the New Jersey Institute of Technology, the Center for Creative Land Recycling and Kansas State University.

The EPA’s brownfields program works to address the more than 450,000 abandoned and contaminated sites around the country, helping communities redevelop the properties and use them productively.

Of the recently announced funding, $3 million will go to the New Jersey Institute of Technology’s Technical Assistance to Brownfield Communities program, which helps communities throughout the entire redevelopment process, including mentoring, workshops, seminars and public meetings. The Center for Creative Land Recycling’s program provides support through an online resource center that includes information on funding, the regulatory process and case studies, and also includes helpful videos and contact information. Kansas State University focuses on providing workshops on topics ranging from the basics of brownfields to building and enhancing Indian Nation response programs.

“The EPA’s brownfields program improves communities by cleaning up toxic pollution that can pose a threat to public health and the environment,” EPA Regional Administrator Judith A. Enck said. “Much of the funding announced today will benefit low-income communities — places where environmental cleanups and new jobs are often most needed.”