Boxer supports environmental policy to fight climate change at EPW hearing

“The U.S. has always been a leader among other nations, and we are leading the way to address dangerous climate change,” Boxer said. “We know that we must cut harmful air pollution to protect the health and welfare of the American people, and our resolve has brought other countries to the table to make their own domestic commitments to reduce carbon pollution.”
Boxer focused on both the immediately apparent effects of climate change — like 2015 being the hottest year on record and last year’s wildfire season being the costliest at $1.71 billion. She also discussed the desires of Americans to see action on climate change, citing a recent New York Times poll that found that two-thirds of Americans support the U.S. being in an international agreement to limit climate change.
“As I often say, if people can't breathe, they can't go to work. It is our responsibility to protect our citizens from harmful carbon pollution,” Boxer said. “Climate change will impact the most vulnerable people in our society, and we have a moral responsibility to respond. That is why so many faith communities have recognized the dangers of climate change and called for action to address this crisis. I commend the Obama Administration for heeding this call. The time to act on climate change is now."