Wednesday, January 22, 2025

EPA proposes allowing Percussion Activated Neutralizer training at Joint Base Cape Cod

Cape Cod
Cape Cod
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing an agreement with the Massachusetts Army National Guard that would allow for training with a Percussion Activated Neutralizer (PAN) at Joint Base Cape Cod’s (JBCC) Camp Edwards.

The EPA has issued several administrative orders for the base, at which it has a regulatory role to protect the Cape Cod Aquifer. The proposed agreement would modify a 1997 Safe Drinking Water Act Administrative Order, which suspends several military training activities to prevent contaminants from training devices from entering the water source.

Based on information provided in the National Guard’s August 2015 letter, the EPA does not anticipate the chemical makeup of the PANs to impact the aquifer. If approved, the agreement would still require the training activities to use the devices as described in the letter and to comply with the conditions created by the Environmental Management Commission.

The EPA is accepting public comments on the proposed agreement through May 6, and the Massachusetts Army National Guard’s letter requesting approval to use PANs is available on the agency’s website. The agreement follows a previously proposed agreement, submitted in December 2015 for public comment, which contained inaccuracies.