Saturday, June 15, 2024

EPA launches voluntary program for methane emissions

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently launched a voluntary program for the oil and gas sector that seeks to make cost-effective reductions to the industry’s methane emissions, which are more than 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide.

“To protect public health and combat climate change, today, we are expanding our voluntary partnerships to reduce methane emissions from the oil and gas sector through our new Methane Challenge program, which is a platform for companies to transparently report actions to reduce methane emissions and to be publicly recognized as leaders in reducing methane emissions in the United States,” EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy said.

The Natural Gas STAR Methane Challenge Program will be part of the Natural Gas STAR Program and will allow companies to make source emissions reductions. These efforts, including implementing best management practices within five years, will be monitored with annual data submitted to the EPA.

“The voluntary Methane Challenge program is one important part of our overarching strategy to reduce methane emissions, and complements regulatory efforts that will help the United States meet the Obama Administration’s goal of reducing methane emissions by 40 percent to 45 percent by 2025,” McCarthy said.