Friday, June 14, 2024

EPA accepting applications for New England Healthy Communities Grants

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is currently accepting applications for the next cycle of the New England Healthy Communities Grant Program, which funds projects that promote human health and quality of life while reducing environmental risks.

The two-part application process begins with submissions of initial project summaries, from which the EPA will select the highest quality proposals to provide a full proposal for their projects. The EPA will accept initial project summaries until April 8, and is planning to award 10 cooperative agreements.

To receive funding through the Healthy Communities program, projects must address one of the EPA’s five target program areas and must benefit one or more communities in a target investment area. For this cycle, the target program areas are Clean, Green and Healthy Schools, Community and Water Resource Resilience, Healthy Indoor Environments, Healthy Outdoor Environments and Tribal Youth Environmental Programs. The target investment areas are Areas at Risk from Climate Change Impacts, Environmental Justice Areas of Potential Concern, Making a Visible Difference Communities and Sensitive Projects.

The grant funding is open to a wide array of organizations, including state, local and government, public and private nonprofit institutions, and schools and school districts.