Friday, June 14, 2024

Smith applauds Supreme Court block of Clean Power Plan

Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX)
Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX)
U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), chair of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee, applauded the Supreme Court’s recent ruling to temporarily block implementation of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan.

“Today’s Supreme Court ruling to block a cornerstone of President Obama's climate plan is a significant win for Americans who believe in limited government,” Smith said. “The EPA’s far-reaching energy regulations would shut down power plants and negatively impact energy consumers and local communities. Today’s ruling confirms that this rule overreaches EPA's legal authority. I applaud the court for recognizing this administration’s extreme climate agenda as an unconstitutional intrusion on states' rights.”

The Clean Power Plan, which would regulate emissions from new and existing power plants, faces several legal challenges, including one from a coalition of 26 states. The Supreme Court’s ruling blocks implementation of the regulation until that lawsuit is settled.