Friday, June 14, 2024

Gosar celebrates Supreme Court stay of Clean Power Plan implementation

Rep. Paul A. Gosar (R-AZ)
Rep. Paul A. Gosar (R-AZ)

U.S. Rep. Paul A. Gosar (R-AZ) celebrated the recent Supreme Court decision to prevent the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from implementing the Clean Power Plan until litigation against the regulation, brought by 26 states, is decided.

“We can now add the Clean Power Plan to the long list of Obama’s executive actions rejected by federal courts,” Gosar said. “It is incomprehensible that this President has not learned by now that he cannot force his radical, unconstitutional environmental agenda onto the American people. Today’s decision makes it clear: Congress, not EPA bureaucrats at the behest of the President, should dictate our country’s environmental policies.”

The Clean Power Plan seeks to reduce the country’s carbon emissions by regulating new and existing power plants, but some states and industry stakeholders have challenged it throughout its development due to the costs of its implementation and its limited impact on global emissions when considered alone.

“I am proud to stand with the 26 states fighting to protect good paying jobs from a misguided regulation that will have negligible effects on greenhouse gas emissions,” Gosar said. “As a member of the House Natural Resources Committee, I am more emboldened than ever to put an end to the lawless ways of the EPA and the Obama Administration by defending commonsense policies that protect hard-working families and our nation’s energy security.”