Friday, June 14, 2024

ADEQ issues permit in record time for innovative Concord electricity generation facility

The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) recently issued a class II air quality permit for a Concord Blue Eagar LLC facility in Apache County, completing the process in a record 85 days.

“Throughout the permitting process, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality air permitting staff provided very helpful guidance regarding air dispersion modeling and did an excellent job expediting their review process once our full application was deemed complete,” Concord Blue VP of Project Management Scott Noll said.

The facility will convert wood from forest thinning, community plant trimming and sawmill debris and use an innovative technology to convert it into a natural-gas-like fuel. It is expected to create one megawatt of electricity, which will be used by Navopahe Electric Co-Op Inc.

“Concord’s plan to use wood from forest thinning would help foster healthy forests, reduce excess wood that could fuel larger forest fires, clean up unwanted wood debris, and promote community safety,” ADEQ Director Misael Cabrera said. “Swiftly permitting the Concord facility also is an outstanding example of how ADEQ is working with industry to support environmentally responsible economic growth in Arizona.”

The quick issuance of Concord’s permit reflects a trend in the state, which has resulted in a 70 percent reduction in the time it takes to process permits as compared to four years ago.