Monday, January 20, 2025

House Energy and Power Subcommittee begins markup on 12 energy bills

Rep. Ed Whitfield (R-KY)
Rep. Ed Whitfield (R-KY)
The House Energy and Power Subcommittee met on Wednesday, Feb. 10, for opening statements on a markup of 12 energy bills, which address regulatory oversight, amendments to existing legislation and hydroelectric power.

“Collectively, these dozen bills demonstrate our commitment to strengthening and modernizing our energy infrastructure, creating jobs, and protecting manufacturers and businesses from harmful Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy rules,” U.S. Rep. Ed Whitfield (R-KY), who chairs the subcommittee, said. “I’m looking forward to a thoughtful discussion and consideration of these bills that would benefit Kentuckians and citizens across the country.”

The markup will include H.R.___, Blocking Regulatory Interference from Closing Kilns (BRICK) Act; H.R. 2984, Fair RATES Act; H.R. 3021, AIR Survey Act of 2015; H.R. 3797, Satisfying Energy Needs and Saving the Environment (SENSE) Act; and H.R. 4444, EPS Improvement Act.

It will also cover H.R. 4238, which would amend the language of the Department of Energy Organization Act and the Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Act of 1976, and H.R. 4427, which would amend the Federal Power Act.

Finally, the committee will also discuss five bills to extend construction commencement deadlines on hydroelectric projects: H.R. 2080, H.R. 2081, H.R. 4434, H.R. 3447 and H.R. 4416.

The markup was scheduled to continue on the morning of Feb. 11.