Friday, June 14, 2024

EPA FY 2017 budget request devotes $8.3 billion to environmental action, preparation

EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy
EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy
The Obama Administration recently released its Fiscal Year 2017 budget request for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which devotes nearly $8.3 billion toward the agency’s goals of addressing known problems and preparing for future environmental challenges.

“For 45 years, EPA’s investments to protect public health and the environment have consistently paid off,” EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy said. “The proposed budget reflects an understanding that a strong economy depends on a healthy environment. The Administration is committed to continuing crucial work to curb climate change while improving air quality, protecting our water, conducting rigorous scientific research, maintaining an effective compliance and enforcement program, and making sure the public is safe from toxic chemicals.”

The EPA’s priorities for FY 2017 include providing information and resources to communities throughout the country so that they can better address existing environmental concerns and improve their resiliency. The budget also devotes significant resources toward fighting climate change, improving air quality, protecting the country’s waterways and improving chemical safety, among other items.

The $8.267 billion budget represents a $127 million increase from the enacted funding for FY 2016, even as the agency eliminated unnecessary and complete programs worth $85 million.