Sunday, January 26, 2025

Michigan DEQ accepting applications for State Revolving Fund low-interest loan for water infrastructure projects

The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is now accepting applications for this year’s State Revolving Fund (SRF) and Drinking Water Revolving Fund (DWRF) loans, available for communities throughout the state looking to update their infrastructure.

The SRF and DWRF provide low-interest loans — with rates ranging from 2 percent to 3 percent — to communities looking to work on their wastewater systems, drinking water systems or nonpoint source pollution control. The loans are available for a range of projects, including planning, design and construction.

The DEQ is currently accepting project plans, which communities interested in funding a drinking water project must submit before May 1; those seeking funds for wastewater and nonpoint source projects must submit before July 1. Interested parties can find more information on the loan programs on the SRF and DWRF websites.