Friday, June 14, 2024

Michigan DEQ accepting grants for $233,300 in clean diesel funding

The Michigan Department of Environmental (DEQ) quality recently announced that it is accepting applications for a total of $233,300 in grant funding, available through the Michigan Clean Diesel Program, for projects that will reduce diesel emissions.

Nonprofit organizations and institutions such as municipal and county governments, public and private school districts, port authorities and metropolitan planning organizations, as well as private businesses and industries, are encouraged to apply. The Michigan Clean Diesel Program works with entities using vehicles and equipment with diesel engines, assisting in the early replacement of the vehicles or their engines to reduce diesel emissions.

Funding for the program comes from Michigan’s portion of the federal Diesel Emissions Reduction Act and National Clean Diesel Campaign state allocations. To be eligible for the grant program, projects must match 75 percent of the grant applied for with local funding. The DEQ is accepting applications until March 4, and more information is available on the Michigan Clean Diesel Program website.