Friday, June 14, 2024

Great Lakes Commission accepting grant applications for phosphorus runoff reduction projects

Lake Huron
Lake Huron

The Great Lakes Commission is now accepting proposals for the 2016 Great Lakes Sediment and Nutrient Reduction Program (GLSNRP), which will provide grants for small scale and watershed scale projects designed to reduce phosphorus runoff in the Great Lakes.

To be considered, projects must address phosphorus runoff and match at least 25 percent of the funding provided via a non-federal source, either as cash or in-kind services. Project duration can be up to 36 months.

The Great Lakes Commission, which is composed of the eight Great Lakes states and associate members Ontario and Quebec, is planning to offer 10 to 12 small scale grants of up to $30,000, funding projects like phosphorus scrubber device installation, and four to five watershed-scale grants of up to $250,000, which can go toward technical and financial assistance.

The GLSNRP is administered by the Great Lakes Commission in cooperation with the Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), which provides the program’s funding through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. The commission is accepting applications for the grants until 6 p.m. on March 31.