American Farm Bureau Federation targets WOTUS rule in 2016 strategic action plan

AFBF President Zippy Duvall said the WOTUS rule, in particular, is one of the AFBF’s most pressing issues for 2016.
"The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) blatant overreach is nothing short of a federal land grab," Duvall said. "The Administration has refused to listen to business owners, local governments and lawmakers. The courts have ordered this rule temporarily stopped. The Government Accountability Office found EPA's actions illegal, and Congress — which originally gave EPA its authority under the Clean Water Act — called for an end to this rule. We won't give up until it's gone and farmers are free to care for their own land."
In addition to soothing consumer concerns about food safety and security and maintaining the use of innovative agriculture technologies, the AFBF is also emphasising the TPP, which the federation has long supported.
"TPP promises to open up markets around the Pacific Rim. These are some of the fastest-growing markets in the world, and America's farmers and ranchers are ready to expand business there," Duvall said. "We're ready to work with Congress to move this agreement forward for the overall good of U.S. agriculture."