Friday, June 14, 2024

Ohio EPA announces progress in reducing lead levels in Sebring

Recent samples taken by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA) demonstrate progress being made in the Village of Sebring’s water quality, with reduced levels of lead being attributed to changes in the village’s water chemistry to reduce corrosiveness.

According to the Ohio EPA, testing in 28 households revealed that 25 homes are now in compliance, while 14 our of 15 samples from three area schools were in compliance, with the majority of them showing no detection of lead.

“While the water system has a clean water source and supply, it is still unacceptable that a few individual homes are experiencing corrosion that is causing high levels of lead,” Ohio EPA Director Craig W. Butler said.

The Ohio EPA will require the village to provide bottled water or filtration systems to homes that are shown to be outside the federal lead standards as it continues its testing. Sebring must also provide tests for individual homes upon request. The Ohio EPA will assist the city in providing filtration systems with up to $25,000 in funding.

Butler also announced that the Ohio EPA is working to revoke the license of the current water treatment operator, Jim Bates, due to his recent performance, which the agency suspects may have included falsifying reports.