Friday, June 14, 2024

Ohio EPA proposing regulations for harmful algal bloom monitoring and reporting

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency’s (Ohio EPA) Divisions of Drinking and Ground Waters (DDAGW) this week released proposed regulatory changes to the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) that will address monitoring and reporting harmful algal blooms (HABs) in public water systems.

The DDAGW is proposing a new chapter, Chapter 3745-90, and amendments to Chapter 3745-89 to establish these regulations. The agency will host a public meeting on the topic on Feb. 24 at its offices in the Lazarus Government Center in Columbus, Ohio beginning at 9:30 a.m.

Those interesting in submitting public comments can do so at the meeting or via mail or email, though all comments must be submitted by Feb. 24. More information on the proposed HABs monitoring and reporting regulations can be found on the DDAGW’s rules web page.