Friday, June 14, 2024

Collins calls out Army Corps of Engineers irrigation ban for Savannah and Mobile Districts lakes

Rep Doug Collins (R-GA)
Rep Doug Collins (R-GA)
U.S. Rep Doug Collins (R-GA), who chairs the Army Corps of Engineers Caucus, recently criticized the Corps’ announcement that property owners along lakes in the Savannah and Mobile Districts will no longer be able to use those lakes for irrigation.

“The Corps claims the changes simply bring shoreline management regulations into line with a federal law that was written back in the 1940s,” Collins said. “Why then, did they allow property owners along these lakes to purchase permits, pumps, and other infrastructure for so many years? This sudden shift in enforcement of the rules is highly concerning, and puts a large burden on property owners who have relied on this system for years.”

Collins pointed out the lack of a public comment period leading up to the policy announcement, as well as the significant resources already used by affected property owners, including pump installation, landscaping and time spent obtaining permits.

“This decision goes against common sense, and the Corps will need to do a better job of being accountable to the taxpayers who live on these reservoirs,” Collins said. “I will be in contact with the Corps on behalf of my constituents to seek a resolution that will not unduly burden taxpayers and will ensure the Corps operates in a more open and transparent way in the future. Additionally, I call on the Corps to publicly explain how this policy change came about, and provide any and all documents leading to this policy change.”