Thursday, February 13, 2025

Ohio EPA accepting stakeholder comments on revisions to Kraft Pulp mill regulations

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA) recently requested that relevant stakeholders, including political, environmental and business groups, provide early comments on its proposed revisions to the state’s Kraft Pulp mill regulations.

The Ohio EPA is proposing revisions to its regulations following a five-year review of the rules in Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) Chapter 3745-73. The agency’s Division of Pollution Control (DAPC) reviewed the current rules, which cover requirements for limits, testing and recordkeeping for the Kraft Pulp mills’ reduced sulfur emissions.

In its revision process, the OAC requires the Ohio EPA gather input from stakeholders impacted by the rule, and the DAPC is allowing them to comment before it formally proposes the revisions.

Those interested in commenting can do so online at the Ohio EPA’s website, where they can also find further information about the Kraft Pulp regulations, including a draft Business Impact Analysis (BIA). The Ohio EPA is accepting public comments on the proposed revisions until Feb. 12.