Monday, January 20, 2025

Wickenburg, Arizona residents and organizations invited to learn about state environmental programs at roadshow event

Arizona’s Environmental Resources Roadshow, a program run by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), the Department of Transportation (DOT) and Keep Arizona Beautiful (KAZB), will stop in Wickenburg on Jan. 28.

The roadshow is open to all, including area residents, elected officials, business representatives, government workers and school representatives, at no cost. It is an opportunity for those in the Wickenburg areas to learn about how they can work with the DEQ, DOT and KAZB to better protect the environmental health of their communities.

The DEQ will cover its recycling programs, which include electronic waste and food recovery, as well as its brownfields grants programs. Brownfields properties are those that are thought to be or are contaminated, and are therefore left unused. The DEQ offers grants to local governments and non-profits to assist in brownfields cleanup.

The DOT will brief attendees on its Adopt a Highway volunteer program, explaining how they can get involved in this critical program that keeps highways clean and saves municipalities in maintenance costs. KAZB will discuss its statewide efforts to reduce littering, promote recycling and encourage beautification projects.

The Wickenburg Environmental Resources Roadshow will take place on Jan. 28 at the Wickenburg Council Chambers, beginning at 11:30 a.m.