Friday, January 24, 2025

Ohio EPA seeks early comments on small business technical assistance rule

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA) is currently seeking early stakeholder input on its small business technical assistance rules as it performs a required five-year review of the regulation.

The review pertains to Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) Chapter 3745-79, which mandates a small business assistance program for entrepreneurs to better understand the rules surrounding air pollution and how to stay in compliance with them. This measure is required by the Clean Air Act. Currently, the Ohio EPA’s Division of Environmental and Financial Assistance Office of Compliance Assistance and Pollution Prevention manages the program.

The agency is seeking early stakeholder input on these rules, which it will consider when drafting any necessary revisions. The agency is revisiting the regulation due to a mandatory five-year review, and not because any major changes are needed.

The Ohio EPA is accepting early stakeholder comments until Feb. 2, 2016, which can be submitted online at the agency’s website. Those who submit comments at this stage will not receive any official written response but the agency will consider all comments as it drafts the rule. The Ohio EPA will provide more public comment periods as the rule is developed.