Friday, June 14, 2024

Chamber criticizes President’s veto of Congressional Review Act EPA Resolution

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Institute for 21st Century Energy President Karen Harbert recently condemned President Barack Obama’s veto of the Congressional Review Act, which intended to block the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan.

“The business community applauds the House and the Senate for taking action to protect affordable and abundant domestic energy resources that provide economic development and security,” Harbert said. “It is clear that President Obama is intent on ramming through costly regulations on power plants that have been opposed by a majority in Congress and a majority of states. The President’s veto of legislation that would have halted his EPA’s regulatory overreach ignores reality in favor of politics, and leaves the legal system as the best remaining course for those of us who are seeking to protect consumers and businesses, at least during the remainder of this administration.”

The Clean Power Plan is the U.S.’s first action to regulate emissions from new and existing power plants. It has drawn criticism from some states, especially those with coal-supported industries, as well as industry groups like the U.S. Chamber.

“The EPA’s carbon regulations will irreversibly harm America's power sector and raise the costs for every business and every American that uses electricity,” Harbert said. “These rules will negatively impact every industry and damage the economy without any significant reduction in global greenhouse gas emissions. We look forward to our day in court.”