Sunday, June 16, 2024

Michigan DEQ makes $450,000 available for communities to provide residents with recycling carts

The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) recently announced that it is accepting applications for $450,000 worth of funding to expand community recycling programs by providing recycling carts for residents.

The funding comes as part of Gov. Rick Snyder’s efforts to double residential recycling in Michigan, which began in April 2014. The grants will help communities switch from smaller recycling bins to larger carts, which is hoped to increase rates of recycling, as suggested by The Recycling Partnership. The Partnership reports that 400 to 450 pounds of recyclable materials are recovered each year from households in areas with bins and strong outreach programs.

Funding is available for cities, villages, townships, charter townships, counties, tribal governments, municipal solid waste authorities or resource recovery authorities, and communities are welcome to partner with other organizations for additional funding and support. The DEQ will also provide successful applicants with technical assistance and educational resources.

The DEQ is accepting grant requests until March 31.