Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Ohio EPA Environmental Education Grant to support project for monarch butterfly habitats

The Cincinnati Nature Center will use a $37,950 grant from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA) in a project to promote monarch butterfly habitats through an interactive exhibit supported by a speaker’s bureau.

Monarch butterflies numbers have been impacted by decreasing amounts of red milkweed, a plant the caterpillars feed on. This valuable habitat is sometimes destroyed by those who see it as a weed, a trend the Cincinnati Nature Center hopes to reverse through its exhibit. The center will also raise awareness through brochures and speakers who can educate groups on the uses of milkweed, both for monarchs and for natural landscapes. The project is run in conjunction with the Monarch Joint Venture, a national group dedicated to supporting monarch habitats through best practices.

The Ohio EPA funding is part of seven grants recently awarded through the Ohio Environmental Education Fund, for a total of $261,183. The yearly funding is earmarked for projects designed by environmental groups, public and private schools, colleges and universities, professional organizations and governmental groups. Projects can be aimed at educating students at all levels, the general public and Ohio communities. Those interested in applying for the next round of grants must submit letters of intent to the Ohio EPA by Jan. 8.