Saturday, June 15, 2024

EPA awards $240,000 for older diesel school bus replacement and retrofitting in Missouri

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently awarded a total of $240,000 to five school districts in Missouri to support the replacement or retrofitting of older diesel school buses through the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) program.

“Schools and other organizations that install clean diesel technology are doing more than just saving money — they’re creating cleaner, healthier air for children and all community residents,” EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality Director Christopher Grundler said. “This program continues to help thousands of children breathe easier and lead safer lives year after year.”

Blue Springs R-IV School District, in Blue Springs, received the highest rebate, with $140,000 to work on eight buses. South Harrison R-II School District, in Bethany, received $40,000 for two buses, while Holcomb R-III School District in Holcomb, Winston R-VI School District in Winston and Sherwood Cass R-8 School District in Creighton each received $20,000 for one bus.

The Missouri rebates are part of the 85 recently awarded by the EPA for bus fleets in 35 states, totalling over $7 million given to reduce air pollution near schools. Older diesel engines contribute to health problems like asthma and lung damage through their emissions of nitrogen oxides, particulate matter and other pollutants.