Monday, June 17, 2024

EPA releases 2015 enforcement and compliance results

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently released the results of its enforcement and compliance actions for the past year, aggregating a list of settlements and investigations undertaken to protect public and environmental health.

“The large cases we tackled in 2015 will drive compliance across industries, and protect public health in communities for years to come,” EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Assistant Administrator Cynthia Giles said. “These cases are putting cutting-edge tools to work, and using innovative approaches to reduce pollution. Through another strong year in enforcement, we are implementing America’s environmental laws and delivering on EPA’s mission.”

Actions undertaken this year by the EPA include hazardous waste, Clean Air Act and Superfund settlements, a final settlement related to the BP oil spill in the Gulf region that will help restore affected communities, and an investigation into Volkswagen for illegal air pollutant emissions from their diesel engines.

The EPA’s actions have resulted in $7 billion invested in pollution control and site cleanup, including $2 billion for Superfund sites, as well as $404 million in fines and penalties. The agency’s 2015 cases will see a reduction of an estimated 430 million pounds of air pollutants.