Saturday, June 15, 2024

New Hampshire communities to benefit from $22.7 million from EPA for water projects

New Hampshire will receive $22.7 million from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to support community projects to improve water infrastructure and drinking water, as well as promoting public and environmental health throughout the state.

“New Hampshire lives on water and this funding will help our cities and towns to deliver our drinking water, manage our storm water, and clean our wastewater,” New Hampshire Department Environmental Services (NHDES) Commissioner Tom Burack said. “It is critical for New Hampshire communities to take advantage of the low-interest loans that this funding provides to ensure that quality and affordable water supplies and treatment systems are available to all New Hampshire communities.”

The funding will go toward two loan programs administered by the NHDES: the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF). These programs allow the department to provide communities in need of water projects like sewage plant upgrades with low-interest loans.

“Clean drinking water and proper wastewater treatment are fundamental to protecting people’s health, but aging water infrastructure needs to be upgraded and repaired,” EPA Regional Administrator Curt Spalding, who serves the New England area, said. “EPA’s funding will help continue New Hampshire’s program to invest in drinking water and wastewater systems and protect people’s health.”