Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Minnesota DNR accepting applications for committee on aquatic invasive species

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) announced this week that it is accepting applications for its Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Advisory Committee from those with backgrounds in prevention, decontamination, public awareness and control activities.

Species like zebra mussels, Eurasian watermilfoil, invasive carp and spiny waterflea, amongst others, are threatening the state’s natural resources, harming natural habitats and limiting the recreational and economic potential of some waterways.

To combat these plants and animals, the DNR created the AIS Advisory Committee in 2012 to get outside perspectives from local governments, organizations and individual citizens on how to best conduct its AIS activities. The committee consists of 15 members, appointed by DNR Commissioner Tom Landwehr, who serve terms of up to four years.

The DNR is seeking comprehensive representation on the committee, and is therefor encouraging applicants from all areas of the state and of diverse backgrounds. Those appointed to the committee will be subject to conflict of interest requirements.

Interested persons can submit their applications online at the DNR’s website, where they will also find further information on the AIS Advisory Committee and its work. Applications must be submitted by December 10.