Wednesday, June 19, 2024

EPA celebrates top achievers in Waste Wise Program and Food Recovery Challenge

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) last week applauded the accomplishments of 29 organizations that took part in its Waste Wise program and Food Recovery Challenge, both of which are designed to prevent food waste using sustainable materials management practices.

“Food Recovery Challenge participants diverted nearly 606,000 tons of wasted food from entering landfills or incinerators in 2014, nearly 88,600 tons of which were donated to people in need,” EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Assistant Administrator Mathy Stanislaus said. “These innovative efforts will help us achieve our ambitious national wasted food reduction goal – a 50 percent reduction by 2030. I encourage other organizations to follow their lead by joining the Food Recovery Challenge.”

Participants in the Waste Wise program and Food Recovery Challenge used EPA tools to design waste reduction plans, including creating baselines, objectives and ways to track progress.

The 29 organizations recognized by the EPA represent large, medium and small businesses, federal and local governments, hospitals, sports and entertainment venues, and colleges and universities from around the country.

Food Recovery Challenge winners were selected based on results, for the data-driven awards, and for source reduction factors such as innovation and outreach, for the narrative awards. The Waste Wise program participants were selected based on improvement and waste prevention performance.