Monday, January 20, 2025

EPA launches Nutrient Recycling Challenge to find technologies to make use of livestock waste

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently launched the Nutrient Recycling Challenge to develop affordable technologies that will make use of the more than 1 billion tons of manure created by livestock producers each year.

The four phase competition will be run in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and pork and dairy producers, as well as scientist experts. The first phase, running from November 16 to January 15, will see the EPA accept papers on promising technologies, from which four semi-finalists will be chosen.

Those winners will receive up to $20,000 split amongst their projects and attend a two-day investor summit in Washington, D.C. Later phases, which the semi-finalists will be entered into, will involve larger funding awards.

“Scientists and engineers are already building technologies that can recover nutrients, but further development is needed to make them more effective and affordable,”  EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy said. “The Nutrient Recycling Challenge will harness the power of competition to find solutions that are a win-win for farmers, the environment, and the economy.”

The challenges final winners will be determined in January 2017.