Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Minnesota releases report on Goose Creek Watershed

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) recently released two reports on the water quality in the Goose Creek Watershed, which also outline measures to protect and restore the waterway that were developed in conjunction with local organizations.

The agency’s Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategy (WRAPS) and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) reports are available online for those interested in submitting public comments.

The Goose Creek watershed is located in Chisago and Pine counties, north of the Twin Cities. The MPCA’s plan was created in cooperation with both counties' soil and water conservation districts, local governments and lake associations, as well as other state agencies. These reports are part of the MPCA’s statewide watershed approach, which seeks to address water quality issues holistically.

The TMDL report determines the levels of contaminants in the Goose Creek watershed and their sources, then gives options for rehabilitation. According to the TMDL, the watershed currently has high levels of bacteria and phosphorus. The WRAPS report finds impaired waters and offers potential remedies, such buffer zones along the waterways to reduce agricultural runoff.

The MPCA is accepting public comments on the reports until December 4, which can be submitted via email or mail.