Monday, January 27, 2025

Guam receives $12.1 million to improve water system, environment

Guam is set to receive $12.1 million in funding from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for its water and wastewater infrastructure and to support the efforts of the Guam Environmental Protection Agency (GEPA).

Announced earlier this week, the funding is split into two awards: $9.2 million in Clean Water and Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Funds and a $3-million grant for the GEPA. 

The larger amount will go toward repairing the Guam Waterworks’ (GWA) wastewater collection system. It will also protect three Guam communities, Tamuning, Chalan Pago and Talofofo, from sanitary sewer overflows through the installation of wastewater pump stations. Finally, GWA will use the funding to restore five drinking water wells to service.

The GEPA funding will support the agencies general operations, including inspections and enforcement actions, permitting and programs that promote beach cleanliness and drinking water quality, specifically at the Ugum watershed and the Northern Guam Lens, which are important water sources for the island.

“EPA’s support enables Guam to advance its environmental goals,” EPA Pacific Southwest Regional Administrator Jared Blumenfeld said. “Much of this year’s funding will go towards improvements in the wastewater system, benefitting the residents of Guam and their precious island resources.”