Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Maine DEP introduces new climate adaptation toolkit

The Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) last week launched its Climate Adaption Toolkit, an online reference library focused on the state. It is now available on the DEP’s website.

The purpose of the toolkit is to provide communities another resource for adapting to changes in the regional climate.

The Climate Adaption Toolkit is an aggregated collection of links to state, federal and other climate documents, as well as climate models, data sources and technical providers. The DEP aims to continuously update the toolkit materials and work with its users to ensure that it is fully benefitting them.

The changes to Maine’s climate have become clear to communities in recent years. To better prepare themselves to deal with these changes, municipal leaders, businesses, universities, state partners and citizens have been planning and implementing measures to increase resilience.

The DEP’s toolkit is a useful resource for business owners, consultants, resource managers, public officials and homeowners wishing to integrate best practices or learn more about climate issues.