Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Vets4Energy promotes link between national security and energy policies

A group of veterans from Vets4Energy recently met with lawmakers in Washington, D.C., emphasizing the relationship between the country's national security and key energy issues, particularly legislation to lift the crude oil exports ban.

Days before the House advanced a bill that would repeal the ban on crude oil exports -- and a day after members of the Senate Banking Committee endorsed its own bill to lift the ban -- lawmakers were appreciative of the veterans’ efforts to highlight new considerations on the action. The lawmakers also thanked the Vets4Energy group, which included 27 veterans from 25 states, for their continued service to the country.

During the group's annual trip to Washington, D.C., Vets4Energy members also addressed issues such as offshore oil and natural gas development, the Renewable Fuel Standard, hydraulic fracturing, and the Keystone XL pipeline.

The veterans also took part in a press conference with a bipartisan groups of representatives who themselves were all veterans, including Reps. Mike Conaway (R-TX), Sanford Bishop (D-GA) and Bill Johnson (R-OH).