Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Arizona congressman pleased after bison-hybrid culling measure advances

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U.S. Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) celebrated the addition of the Grand Canyon Bison Management Act to the Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement (SHARE) Act as an amendment on Thursday, which will allow hunters and conservationists to help manage an overpopulation of a buffalo and cattle hybrid.

“The bipartisan, bicameral effort passed by unanimous consent by the committee today will protect Arizona’s greatest treasure, the Grand Canyon, in a responsible manner,” Gosar said. “The Park Service need not fear hunters and sportsmen, and continue to irrationally delay a solution.”

The hybrids, known as beefalo, are an invasive species that has negatively impacted the park, including destroying Native American landmarks and reducing public safety on roads and trails.

“We don’t need to waste precious taxpayer money on lengthy studies and expensive sharpshooters to address the issues with the beefalo in the Grand Canyon. My bill provides an immediate solution by requiring the Secretary of Interior to coordinate with  Arizona’s state wildlife management agency to implement a plan that includes reduction of the beefalo population through humane lethal culling by skilled public volunteers and hunters, and also by other non-lethal means. This legislative solution is a victory for sportsmen, conservationists and taxpayers that will provide a timely resolution to the beefalo problem plaguing Grand Canyon National Park.”