Portman: New law part of 'strategic plan' needed to tackle algae blooms

“Last summer, families in Toledo were warned not to drink the tap water in their own homes because it was unsafe. Now, in my hometown of Cincinnati, algae has surfaced on the Ohio River,” Portman said. “This year, it may only mean that we have to cancel beloved events like the upcoming Great Ohio River Swim, but if we don’t figure out a strategic plan to ward off algae and keep our waterways safe, we may see worse consequences in the future.”
Portman penned the Drinking Water Protection Act, which requires the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to create a strategic Algal Toxin Risk Assessment and Management Plan. The legislation became law in August.
“I am pleased that my bill to allow federal agencies to better prepare and prevent future disasters like the one we experienced in Toledo was signed into law, and I will continue to work with scientists and state and local government to find a long-term solution to this problem.”