Daines Criticizes Senate Democrats for Holding Up Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill

After Senate Democrats blocked the FY2016 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill, Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) issued a damning statement criticizing them for delaying Army Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation infrastructure projects.
“Despite the vast majority of Democrats supporting this bill during an Appropriations Committee vote this summer, once again Democrats have chosen to block legislation that protects Montanans’ interests and strengthens our national security through increased energy and water security,” said Daines.
The bill passed the Appropriations Committee with a bipartisan vote of 26-4 on May 21. It has strong implications for Daines’ homestate, with numerous projects – like watercraft inspection stations in the Columbia River Basin States, which will protect against invasive species – waiting on its passage. The bill provides billions of dollars in funding for projects managed by various federal entities.
“This legislation works to enhance our energy efficiency while funding important projects that modernize our nation’s energy and water infrastructure,” said Daines. “It’s disheartening that Senate Democrats continue to put partisan politics ahead of commonsense legislation that works for the American people.”