Monday, January 20, 2025

New Mexico's updated Clean Air Plan gains EPA approval

New Mexico's updated Clean Air Plan gains EPA approval.
New Mexico's updated Clean Air Plan gains EPA approval.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced on Tuesday that it has approved New Mexico’s updates to its Clean Air Plan, which was adjusted to meet the latest standard of 2010’s sulfur dioxide (SO2) air standard in terms of implementation, maintenance and enforcement requirements.

States are required to submit plans that meet national ambient air quality standards under the Clean Air Act. The law also requires the states to update their plans to implement, maintain and enforce federal air standards within three years of those standards changing, which was the prompt behind New Mexico’s update to its plan.

The standards were updated to better protect asthmatics, those with lung disease, the elderly and children, all of whom are susceptible to health problems triggered by SO2. Asthmatics are especially vulnerable to the pollutant, which can cause asthma attacks and respiratory infections or other acute lung illnesses.